There comes a point when enough is enough.. and it truly needs to be soon. This statement can be applied to so many scenarios and situations, but one in particular needs to act on it now, and it seems they have.
Pedestrians are getting hit, some dying from it. Drivers are in an even bigger rush to get to that meeting or pick up a loved one who is waiting for them (with that cell phone still pressed against the ear-regardless of any new law banning it). Fingers are being pointed, and blame is being thrown around like an empty bag on a windy day.
Just yesterday, a mother and her 12 year old son were attempting to ride a TTC bus at Dufferin and Eglinton. The driver took the son for someone older than a 12 year old and demanded that he pay a student fare after the child fare was already deposited. Proof of his age was shown, and still he didn't believe it. The bus was put out of service, police were called and the mother and son made it to their appointment only because the police officer drove them there. The only thing that would have made this story even more unfortunate, is if they were hit by a car after exiting the bus.
Who is to blame… The driver who may not have been trained properly in handling difficult situations at work? The Passenger who may have used some words that forced some ones guard to go up? The pedestrian who jaywalks knowing full well that it is illegal? The driver who just didn’t see the person crossing the street wearing dark clothing and not at a designated crossing zone?
There is always 3 sides to a story, the he said, she said and what was “actually” said.
This afternoon the TTC announced that there will be:
-A new customer service line for riders to use in the case of any situation that is not to “standard”
-Customer Bill of Rights
-Next vehicle texting system for buses and Streetcars fully in use as of 2011
-50 new vending machines for passes with debit and credit capability
and screens at entrances to every subway advising riders of delays and for communication purposes.
Lets hope that frustration doesn’t become worse and something bigger than what has already happened is avoided. As well, making caffeine pills mandatory for all TTC employees would be a surefire way to avoid sleepiness on the job, and guarantee our driver was friendly, alert, but possibly a little jittery.
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