Tuesday, February 9, 2010

First Canadian Place

If you have been in the downtown core recently and looked up at the BMO building wondering what the scaffolding was all about, it's part of a 34 year overdue reno to the exterior as well as some much needed updating of the concourse and main levels of the Canadian landmark.
Built in 1975, this building has managed to hold the title of Canada's tallest business landmark.  As a child I would look at the downtown core from a distance and refer to this building as the Lego building.  It was was sleek, pristine in gleaming white marble and with no fancy detailing it looked similar to the towers I would make with my Lego pieces.  Well it seems that the once gleaming marble has come to the end of its shelf life and a more durable exterior one with "greener" properties is next in line to replace it.  Just over 2 years ago, a chunk of the marble came crashing to the ground after erosion had taken its toll on the building, which prompted Brookfield, the new owners of the building, to seek a more durable and sustainable exterior.

The new fritted glass exterior curtain will be energy efficient as well as having visual details to prevent any more birds from flying into the tower.  For every 4 pieces of marble that is removed, they will be replaced by one piece of the new fritted glass.  The exterior renovation is slated to be completed by September of 2011, and the renovation in its entirety to be completed by the end of 2012, complete with new lighting replacements and washroom upgrades hoping to make this building attractive to potential tenants for years to come.


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